Securing Critical Infrastructure: An Imperative for Supply Chain Risk Management
The systems and assets of the 16 sectors that make up critical infrastructure are so vital to the United States that any disruption could threaten national security, public health and safety, and more. Safeguarding the supply chains that support these industries is a national priority that demands comprehensive, state-of-the-art risk management capabilities.
Exiger’s AI and advanced technology solutions help critical infrastructure companies and related government agencies manage supply chain risks to ensure continuity of supply and build resilience.

Navigate the Full Range of Risks to Critical Infrastructure Security
Geopolitical tensions, trade disputes, natural disasters, insider threats, and cyber-attacks threaten critical infrastructure. Disruption is no longer a remote possibility; it is inevitable.
The recently released National Security Memorandum 22 (NSM 22) prioritized critical infrastructure security and resilience and emphasized a risk-based approach to prioritizing efforts. Exiger’s Risk Model defines seven comprehensive dimensions of risk that cover issues like foreign ownership and control, operational resilience, cybersecurity, product integrity and much more. The framework helps you identify, mitigate, and combat the many third-party and supply chain risks that threaten tiered supply ecosystems today.
The Way to a More Resilient Supply Chain for Critical Infrastructure
Meet Industry Standards
Stay Ahead of Regulatory Requirements
Build Operational Resilience and Continuity
Strengthen Your Cybersecurity
Develop a standardized approach to supply chain mapping that highlights sub-tier suppliers or logistical bottlenecks that could delay delivery. Our automated solution reduces the need for time-consuming surveys and allays vendor concerns about surrendering proprietary information.
Our solutions meet risk management approaches for critical infrastructure as set by CISA, NIST, and international agencies like the European Programme for Critical Infrastructure Protection (EPCIP) and the Organization of Economic Coordination and Development.
Simplify your compliance process with Exiger’s third-party risk management solution to stay ahead of industry-specific and federal requirements, including those on the list below. Perform due diligence with the click of a button and find out if your suppliers are using prohibited product parts or software.
Exiger’s solutions are geared for compliance with many regulatory requirements, including:
To ensure the continuity of supply, Exiger’s supply chain risk management solutions provide ongoing vendor and risk monitoring to make sure suppliers are meeting quality standards and minimizing risks that could impact availability — including those involved with protecting sensitive intellectual property. Our 1Exiger solution leverages data from trustworthy sources, including industry-specific databases and regulatory agencies, when engaging in scenario planning to map out alternative suppliers.
Safeguarding critical infrastructure requires ongoing monitoring and visibility into all the hardware and software components in the supply chain. This includes analyzing software bills of material as available and operational technology intelligence, achieving software and hardware product assurance, as well as securing critical electronic components from sabotage. Cybersecurity hygiene is a must, and you can close vulnerable gaps in your supply chain with a solution that identifies potential cybersecurity risks.
Created and launched in collaboration with our 550+ customers, the 1Exiger platform makes third-party risk and supply chain management simple, intuitive and accessible through these core modules:
Proven Success Supporting Critical Infrastructure
Identify Critical Risks in Your Supply Chain with Exiger
Identify Critical Risks in Your Supply Chain with Exiger
Public and private entities need to manage supply chain risk to combat today’s threat landscape for critical infrastructure. All organizations operating in critical infrastructure sectors should be cognizant of the ongoing supply chain threats that surround them daily, and they should have the tools and technology to identify, quantify, and remediate those risks.
Exiger is at the forefront of supply chain risk management for critical infrastructure sectors, arming government entities and Fortune 500 companies with the intelligence to detect, quantify, and mitigate risk. Critical infrastructure security and resilience relies on industry and government coordination to prepare for shocks and have plans in place to maintain critical functions when incidents occur. The best way to achieve this is to build strong, holistic risk awareness and risk management programs to drive resilient decision-making.